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Search Query: gan

Best translation match:
Vietnamese English
* noun
- liver
=đau gan+liver complaint
* adj
- brave; daring; courageous

Probably related with:
Vietnamese English
need ; neighborhood ; never ; new ; next to ; next unto ; next ; nigh at hand ; nigh to ; nigh unto ; nigh ; not too far from ; not ; now to ; of almost ; of late ; of ; off ; stupid git ; over by ; was ; over near ; over ; past ; pretty close ; pretty much ; pretty ; pushing ; quite close ; rather close ; rather ; re near ; ready to ; ready ; recent ; recently ; relax ; risked ; roughly in ; roughly ; s near ; short ; so close to ; so close ; so ; somehow ; something along ; something ; somewhere nearby ; soon the ; soon ; sort of close ; sort ; stay close ; stay with ; than ; that close ; that nearly ; that ; the bag nearly ; the more ; the nearly ; the street ; the ; they damn near ; they ; thitherward ; thuds almost ; to just ; a bit closer ; to less ; a bit ; to ; add ; a close ; too close to ; agglomerate ; a little closer ; too far from ; applies ; a little ; too ; are tied ; a while ; touch ; are ; a ; toward ; associate ; about the ; towards ; associated ; about to ; tung pier ; attach ; about ; two near ; attached to ; almost to ; two ; attached ; almost ; uh ; attaches ; along ; under ; attachments of ; already ; unto ; attributed ; and the ; up close ; basically embedded ; and to ; up to ; bolted ; and ; up ; bought ; any closer ; upon us ; charged ; any nearer ; upon ; closely ; any ; us ; connect ; anywhere near ; use ; directly ; approach ; very close ; dock ; approaching ; very edge ; embedded ; approximately ; very ; entitled ; around ; walking distance ; expertise is ; as close ; warm ; feed ; as ; was about to ; fire ; aside from ; was almost ; fit ; aside ; was by ; fix ; at about ; was close ; gather ; at hand ; was closest to ; get ; at nearly ; was in ; go ; at us ; was nearly ; gonna be ; at ; was nigh ; gonna stick ; away from ; was now ; gonna ; away ; got ; bag nearly ; we ; had ; be as close ; well ; has simply pegged ; be ; which is next unto ; has ; been almost ; which is ; his ; been around ; which was ; holding ; been close ; which ; hook ; been ; while ; hooked ; behind ; with ; hooks ; being ; within walking distance ; imagine ; beside ; within ; inscribe ; bit closer ; years ; inserted ; bit ; you almost ; installed ; brilliant ; you ; installing ; buddy ; z ; intense ; but almost ; ’ ; is associated ; but ; is ; by a ; isn ; by about ; made ; a bomb ; by almost ; married ; allow the ; by nearly ; mend ; bone ; by ; motored ; bugger ’ ; close around ; mount ; my ; close by ; must ; relieve ; close enough ; of inserting ; rib ; close to ; sensation ; close unto ; packed ; sinew ; close ; perfect ; tendon ; closed to ; plant ; tendons ; closed ; plugging ; the tendon ; put a ; the tendons ; closer and closer ; put them ; closer to ; put ; closer ; putting ; closest to ; rig ; closest ; ring ; closeup ; screw ; assign ; closing ; set ; assigned ; cl?se ; shove ; called ; come ; stick ; cometh ; sticking ; give ; counts ; strong ; got her wanted in connection ; cross ; stuck ; hang ; damn near ; tagged ; hung ; day ; tap ; labeled ; days too ; that binds ; put upon ; days ; that goes ; dead for almost ; that hangs ; puts ; draw near to ; that holds ; referred ; draw near ; that stick ; drew near to ; snap ; drew near ; them ; taken ; earlier ; then they put them ; even being ; they bond ; want to attach ; exposed ; they pin ; were assigned ; far from ; far ; tied ; few of ; to attach ; few ; to fit ; flowers ; to tap ; for about ; for almost ; unfortunately ; for nearly ; for quite ; for several days ; you can put ; for us ; for ; balls ; from near ; bold ; from ; causing liver damage ; fuckhead ; complete ; full ; cowards ; gained ; dared ; get close ; em ; enough guts ; gets ; everybody knows ; getting closer ; gall ; getting ; genes ; going on ; grit ; going ; guts ; half to ; gypsy ; half ; have balls the ; hand ; have guts ; his liver ; have ; ii ; he ; kind of courage ; her late ; kind of ; how ; lasts ; in close proximity to ; liver graft ; in the near ; liver ; in ; livers ; inches away ; man ; incredibly ; melt ; into ; my liver is a ; is about ; my liver is ; is almost ; my liver ; is by ; of liver ; is closest to ; of the liver ; is half ; organs ; is mostly ; pair ; is near ; panic ; is next ; skin ; is ready to ; some nerve ; spleen ; it by ; stomach ; it was nearly ; taken upon ; it ; the audacity ; jacket off ; the balls ; just about ; the guts to ; just short ; the guts ; just under ; the liver ; asked ; just ; the minerals ; crafted ; kind ; the nerve ; then ; last ; the organ ; late ; the way ; lately ; legally ; less than ; thought ; less ; trousers ; like ; ve got the balls ; line ; ve his liver ; little closer ; wrong ; little way ; little ; looked ; loser to ; m near ; makes ; more ready ; more ; most of ; most ; mostly the ; mostly ; move ; much as ; much ; near about ; near her ; near it ; near me ; near the ; near there ; near to a ; near to be ; near to ; near unto her ; near unto ; near ; nearby to ; nearby ; nearer ; nearest to ; nearing ; nearly ;
a bit closer ; a bit ; a close ; a little closer ; a while ; a ; about to ; about ; add ; agglomerate ; almost to ; almost ; along ; already ; and to ; and ; any closer ; any nearer ; anywhere near ; applies ; approach ; approaching ; approximately ; are tied ; are ; around ; as close ; as ; aside ; asked ; assign ; assigned ; associate ; associated ; at about ; at hand ; at nearly ; at us ; at ; attach ; attached to ; attached ; attaches ; attachments of ; attributed ; away from ; away ; bag nearly ; balls ; basically embedded ; be as close ; be ; been almost ; been around ; been close ; been ; behind ; being ; beside ; bit closer ; bit ; bold ; bolted ; bought ; brilliant ; buddy ; bugger ’ ; but almost ; but ; by a ; by about ; by almost ; by nearly ; by ; called ; causing liver damage ; charged ; close around ; close by ; close enough ; close to ; close unto ; close ; closed to ; closed ; closely ; closer and closer ; closer to ; closer ; closest to ; closest ; closeup ; closing ; clοse ; come ; comes ; cometh ; complete ; connect ; counts ; cowards ; cross ; damn near ; dared ; day at ; day ; days too ; days ; dead for almost ; directly ; dock ; draw near to ; draw near ; drew near ; earlier ; em ; embedded ; enough guts ; entitled ; everybody knows ; expertise is ; exposed ; far from ; far ; few of ; few ; fire ; fit ; fix ; flowers ; for about ; for almost ; for nearly ; for quite ; for several days ; for us ; for ; from near ; from ; fuckhead ; full ; gained ; gall ; gather ; genes ; get close ; get ; gets ; getting closer ; getting ; give ; going on ; going ; gonna be ; gonna stick ; gonna ; got her wanted in connection ; got ; grit ; guts ; gypsy ; had ; half to ; half ; hand ; hang ; has simply pegged ; has ; have balls the ; have guts ; have ; her late ; his liver ; his ; hook ; hooked ; hooks ; how ; imagine ; in close proximity to ; in the near ; in ; inches away ; incredibly ; inscribe ; inserted ; installed ; installing ; intense ; into ; is about ; is almost ; is associated ; is by ; is closest to ; is half ; is mostly ; is near ; is next ; is ready to ; is ; isn ; it by ; it was nearly ; it ; jacket off ; just about ; just short ; just under ; just ; kind of courage ; kind of ; kind ; king ; labeled ; last ; late ; legally ; less than ; less ; let ; like ; line ; little closer ; little way ; little ; liver graft ; liver ; livers ; looked ; m near ; made ; makes ; man ; married ; melt ; most of ; most ; mostly the ; mostly ; motored ; mount ; move ; much as ; much ; my liver is a ; my liver is ; my liver ; my ; near about ; near her ; near it ; near me ; near the ; near there ; near to a ; near to be ; near to ; near unto her ; near unto ; near ; nearby to ; nearby ; nearer ; nearest to ; nearing ; nearly ; need ; never understood ; new ; next to ; next unto ; next ; nigh at hand ; nigh to ; nigh unto ; nigh ; not too far from ; not ; now to ; of almost ; of inserting ; of late ; of liver ; of the liver ; of ; onto the ; onto ; organs ; over by ; over near ; over ; packed ; pair ; panic ; plant ; plugging ; pretty close ; pretty much ; pretty ; pushing ; put a ; put ; puts ; putting ; quite close ; rather close ; rather ; re near ; ready to ; ready ; recent ; recently ; referred ; relax ; relieve ; rib ; rig ; ring ; roughly in ; roughly ; s near ; screw ; seen ; set ; short ; shove ; sinew ; skin ; snap ; so close to ; so close ; so ; some nerve ; somehow ; something along ; something ; somewhere nearby ; soon the ; soon ; sort of close ; sort ; spleen ; stay close ; stay with ; stick ; sticking ; stomach ; strait ; strong ; stupid git ; tagged ; tap ; tendon ; tendons ; than ; that binds ; that close ; that goes ; that hangs ; that holds ; that nearly ; that stick ; that ; the audacity ; the bag nearly ; the balls ; the guts to ; the guts ; the liver ; the minerals ; the nearly ; the nerve ; the organ ; the street ; the tendon ; the tendons ; the way ; the ; then they put them ; there it is a little under ; there ; they bond ; they damn near ; they pin ; they ; thitherward ; thought ; thuds almost ; tied ; to attach ; to fit ; to just ; to less ; to tap ; to ; together ; too close to ; too far from ; too ; touch ; toward ; towards ; trousers ; tung pier ; turn ; two near ; two ; under ; unto ; up close ; up onto the ; up onto ; up to ; up ; upon us ; upon ; us ; use ; ve got the balls ; ve his liver ; very close ; very edge ; very ; walking distance ; want to attach ; warm ; was about to ; was almost ; was by ; was close ; was closest to ; was in ; was nearly ; was nigh ; was now ; was ; well ; were assigned ; which is ; which was ; which ; while ; with ; within walking distance ; within ; yards ; years ; you almost ; you can put ; you ;

May related with:
Vietnamese English
* excl
- O; oh (exclamation of surprise, regret, ect.)
=a, đồ chơi đẹp quá!+ Oh! What a nice toy!
=a, tội nghiệp quá+Oh!What a pity!
- By the way
=a, còn một vấn đề này nữa +By the way, there's this one other question
* noun
- Acre (100 square meters)
a dua
* verb
- To ape, to chime in, to join in, to take a leaf out of sb's book
=a dua theo lối ăn mặc lố lăng+to ape other's eccentric style of dress
=người hay a dua bắt chước+a copy-cat
a ha
* excl
- Aha, ha; hurrah, hurray
=a ha! tên trộm bị cảnh sát tóm rồi!+Ha! the thief is caught by the police!
=a ha! cô gái xinh quá!+hurrah! What a pretty girl!
a hoàn
* noun
- Abigail ; maidservant
a phiến
* noun
- Opium
=cuộc chiến tranh a phiến+The opium war
=a phiến thường là mầm mống của tội phạm+in most cases, opium is the germ of the crime
a tòng
* verb
- To act as (be) an accomplice to someone, to act as (be) an accessory to someone, to make common cause with someone
=hắn a tòng với một người bạn cũ để lừa gạt bà cụ này+he was an accomplice to one of his old friends, so as to swindle this old woman
à uôm
* verb
- To lump together
=anh phải phân biệt ai đúng ai sai, thay vì à uôm+you must make a difference between who is right and who is wrong, instead of lumping things together
ả đào
* noun
- Singsong girl, geisha
á khẩu
* noun
- aphasia
=người mắc chứng á khẩu+aphasic
á khôi
* noun
- the second winner in a contest
á kim
* noun
- Metalloid
á rập
* noun
=người á-rập+Arabian
=tiếng á-rập+Arabic
* noun
- Crow, raven
- (cũ) The sun
=gửi trứng cho ác+to set the fox to keep the geese
* adj
- Cruel, malicious
- Severe, fierce
=đợt rét ác+a severe cold spell
=trận đánh ác+a fierce battle
=hôm nay nắng ác+today the sun is blistering hot
- Ripping, rattling good
=trận đá bóng ác+a ripping soccer game
ác bá
* noun
- Cruel landlord, village tyrant
ác cảm
* noun
- Antipathy, aversion, enmity, bad blood, ill feeling
=có ác cảm với người nào+To have an enmity against someone, to be antipathetic to someone
=hai người con dâu ấy có rất nhiều ác cảm với nhau+there is a lot of bad blood (ill feeling) between those two daughters-in-law
ác chiến
* verb
- To fight violently, to fight fiercely
=trận ác chiến+a violent fight, a fight to the finish
ác khẩu
- như {ác miệng}
ác là
* noun
- Magpie
ác liệt
* adj
- Very fierce, very violent
ác miệng
* adj
- Foul-mouthed, foul-tongued
ác mó
* noun
- Parrot
- Shrew, termagant
ác mộng
* noun
- Nightmare
=tôi có những cơn ác mộng thấy mình bị rơi vào vực sâu+I have nightmares about falling into an abyss
ác nghiệt
* adj
- Cruel, venomous, harsh, spiteful
ác ôn
* noun
- Enemy-hired killer, wicked thug
* adj
- Ruffianly, thug-like
ác phụ
* noun
-wicked woman
=đó là một con ác phụ+That is a wicked woman
ác quỷ
* noun
- Demon, fiend
ác tà
-sunset, declining sun
ác tâm
* noun
- Malice, malignity, ill will
ác thú
* noun
- Beast of prey
ác tính
* adj
- Malign, malignant
=khối u ác tính, bướu ác tính+malignant growth, malignant tumour
=sốt rét ác tính+malignant malaria
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

Vietnamese Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

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