English-Vietnamese Online Translator
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Search Query: ngăn cản

Best translation match:
Vietnamese English
ngăn cản
- Hinder, hamper
=Ngăn cản công việc người khách+To hinder other's work
=Tư tưởng bảo thủ ngăn cản bước tiến của xã hội+Convervatism hapers socity's progress

Probably related with:
Vietnamese English
ngăn cản
thousand katis ; weighs a ton ; thousand measures ; against ; between my ; between ; blocking ; blow the whistle ; can help it ; can help ; change ; contain ; could stop ; cut people off from ; detain ; detained ; deter ; deterrent to ; discourage ; doing ; ever stop ; for him in ; gonna stop ; him in ; hold back ; hold ; inhibit ; inhibits ; interfere ; prevent her ; prevent ; prevented ; prevents ; pushed back ; pushing ; stop doing ; stop me ; stop us ; stop ; stopped ; stopping ; stops ; suppress ; take whatever ; that block off ; that kept ; that prevented it from ; that prevents ; that stands between ; that stops ; the three who attacked ; thing that kept ; to block out ; to impede ; to stand in ; to stop doing ; to stop ; try and stop ; try to stop ; ve stopped ; stop the ;
ngăn cản
against ; between ; blocking ; blow the whistle ; can help it ; can help ; canst ; change ; contain ; could stop ; cut people off from ; detain ; detained ; deter ; deterrent to ; discourage ; doing ; ever stop ; for him in ; gonna stop ; him in ; hold back ; hold ; inhibit ; inhibits ; interfere ; keep a fellow ; prevent her ; prevent ; prevented ; prevents ; pushed back ; pushing ; spirits ; stop doing ; stop me ; stop the ; stop us ; stop ; stopped ; stopping ; stops ; suppress ; take whatever ; that kept ; that prevented it from ; that prevents ; that stands between ; that stops ; the three who attacked ; thing that kept ; thousand katis ; thousand measures ; thwarting ; to block out ; to impede ; to stand in ; to stop doing ; to stop ; try and stop ; try to stop ; ve stopped ; weighs a ton ;
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

Vietnamese Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

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