English-Vietnamese Online Translator
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Search Query: ngăn chặn

Best translation match:
Vietnamese English
ngăn chặn
- Prevent, stop
=Ngăn chặn bọn buôn lậu+To prevent the smuggler from doing their business

Probably related with:
Vietnamese English
ngăn chặn
and stop ; abstaining from ; avert ; action to stop ; blocking ; anything to prevent ; contained ; containment ; averted ; to block ; avoid ; block an ; block out ; block ; blocked ; blocks ; bullshit ; can prevent ; can stop ; contain ; curb ; cut their water ; deny ; deterrent ; discourage ; enough to stop ; gives off ; halt ; halting ; help prevent ; hold ; in place to prevent ; intercept ; keep it from ; keep ; place to catch ; place to prevent ; prevent it ; prevent ; prevented that ; prevented ; preventing ; prevention ; prevents ; pushed back ; resist ; screening ; shut out ; stave off ; stem ; stop an ; stop further ; stop him ; stop it ; stop or ; stop others making ; stop them ; stop to ; stop you from ; stop ; stopped ; stopping ; suppress it ; suppress ; that block ; that inhibit ; that prevent ; that prevents ; that stops ; thwart ; thwarted ; to anticipate ; to block it ; to contain ; to deter ; to halt ; to intercept ; to prevent ; to stem ; to stop ; to suppress ; turn ; ve stopped ; we stop ;
ngăn chặn
abstaining from ; action to stop ; and stop ; anything to prevent ; avert ; averted ; avoid ; block an ; block out ; block ; blocked ; blocking ; blocks ; bullshit ; came to halting or even stemming ; can prevent ; can stop ; contain ; contained ; containment ; curb ; cut their water ; deny ; deterrent ; discourage ; enough to stop ; gives off ; halt ; halting ; help prevent ; hold ; in place to prevent ; intercept ; keep it from ; keep ; place to catch ; place to prevent ; prevent it ; prevent ; prevented that ; prevented ; preventing ; prevention ; prevents ; pushed back ; refrain from ; resist ; screening ; shut out ; stave off ; stem ; stop an ; stop further ; stop him ; stop it ; stop or ; stop others making ; stop them ; stop to ; stop you from ; stop ; stopped ; stopping ; suppress it ; suppress ; that block ; that inhibit ; that prevent ; that prevents ; that stops ; thwart ; thwarted ; to anticipate ; to block it ; to block ; to contain ; to deter ; to halt ; to intercept ; to prevent ; to stem ; to stop ; to suppress ; turn ; ve stopped ; we stop ;
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

Vietnamese Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

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