English-Vietnamese Online Translator
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Search Query: dan

Best translation match:
Vietnamese English
* verb
- to display; to arrange

Probably related with:
Vietnamese English
an ; multitude ; ladder ; fire with ; and ; my people ; later ; followed ; arranged ; nation ; led ; further instruction ; choir ; nations and ; little ; gateway ; cover ; nations the ; lost ; get you ; deploy ; nations ; lot ; get ; doing ; of citizens ; of the tiger ; give a ; either ; of civil ; of tiger in ; give rise ; fellow ; of civilians ; of tiger ; give ; look ; of israel ; of ; given ; make ; of its ; out ; giving ; offered ; of men ; over ; going to ; own ; of my people ; partially ; going ; put themselves ; of people ; phase out ; got one ; put ; of the people of the ; pretty ; got ; puts ; of the people ; progressively ; guidance ; set themselves ; of the population ; quickly ; guide ; sets ; of the ; rapidly ; guided ; setting an ; of their ; slipped ; guidelines ; shitload ; of them ; slowly ; guides ; start making ; sort ; has ; the cover ; offer ; start to ; headed ; the proper ; our people ; start ; heads ; the ; our ; started ; help get ; upon the ; patch ; starting to ; him ; work ; peculiar people ; starting ; hire ; people and ; steadily ; hit ; people of the ; step ; host ; people of ; taking up the ; hosted ; people shall ; taking ; hosts ; people that ; tends ; huge lead ; people to ; huge ; people unto ; their ; iead ; people were ; then ; in taking ; people ; tiger in ; in ; peoples ; tiger ; instruct ; population ; tilted ; instruction ; public ; time ; instructions ; residents of ; to eventually ; is waltz ; residents ; to grow ; is ; s civil ; to ; job ; so the ; up ; kindly walked ; so ; wandered ; lead them ; that of people ; way ; lead ; the citizens ; which ; leadership ; the civilian ; will ; leadeth ; the denizens ; your way ; leading to ; the fellow ; leading ; the gentiles ; leads to ; the ground ; leads ; the heathen ; the inhabitants of ; let ; the inhabitants ; manual ; the men ; maps ; the multitude ; marched ; the nation ; marshal ; the nations of the ; master ; the nations ; maybe walk ; the people of the ; mean ; the people of ; more ; the people that ; one ; the people to ; opened ; the people ; the population ; path ; pathways ; personally lead ; them of ; produce ; them ; prompting ; then the ; pull ; they be ; they dwell ; really ; they of ; recipe ; they shall ; result ; they the people ; results ; they were ; s ake ; add ; they ; s giving ; as ; to the people ; s taking ; end ; town to ; s ; generic ; town ; send ; glue ; unto the ; show ; glued ; whom ; showed ; it ; showing ; made ; simply taking ; paste ; sing ; pasted it ; stable of ; pasted one single ; stable ; pasted ; start time ; pasting ; alex ; placing ; behold ; steer ; plastic ; bitch ; straight ; plywood ; bold ; t ake ; posted ; cheerfully ; take your ; posting ; confidence ; take ; put it on ; guts ; taken ; put them up ; heart ; takes ; put up ; high hand ; might ; talk ; putting ; mighty men ; teach ; seal pretty ; mighty ; team ; sealed ; of might ; that can ; stick ; of valour ; that conduct ; sticking ; strong ; that conducted ; tagged ; the guts ; that drives ; tape ; two ; that leads ; taped ; valiant men of might ; that led ; trial ; that ; tucked them ; ve been watching ; three ; wallpaper ; through to ; we ; through ; went ; ticket ; were ; times ; with ; tip ; wrapping ; to bring ; to guide ; to lead ; to make ; to take ; to walk ; took ; turned ; turns ; ultimately ; us ; attack ; usher ; dipped ; ushered ; fell ; walk ; walked ; involved ; walking ; placed ; waltz ; push ; was ; wiii commit ; way for ; we got ; we take ; wheel ; which lead ; which leadeth ; which leads ; who led ; with which ; beating ; would have ; bowed ; would lead ; bump ; would ; cruel ; you through it ; fretting ; you through ; hell out ; ??u take ; slams ; stop ; tortured ; tough ; which had obsessed ; a nation ; a peculiar people ; a people of ; a people unto ; a people ; a ; active ; against ; already told me to ; all the people ; already told ; all the ; bidden ; all ; carefully ; also the men of the ; charged ; among the ; charging ; command ; and houses ; commanded to ; and much people ; a part of the plan ; commanded ; and nation ; about to ; exhort ; and of the ; actually ; he ; and that ; after ; instructed ; and the one people ; all flying ; and the people ; mentioned ; and the ; alone ; note ; and they ; along ; reminding ; and eventually ; about ; said to ; be of men ; and grew ; said unto him ; captive ; and less ; said unto ; citizen of ; as sort ; said ; bill ; citizen ; as people ; says to ; charlie dan ; citizens a ; asked ; says ; dane ; citizens of ; away ; spoken ; dear ; citizens ; became immersed in the ; beacon ; stayed ; now dan ; civil strife ; becomes ; begs ; sighs ; civil ; beginning ; behind ; tell ; to dan ; civilian population ; begins to ; bring forth ; civilian ; begun to ; bring ; told her ; civilians ; bit colder ; bringeth ; told ; colonial ; both ; bringing ; unto ; community ; building ; brings ; wanted me ; country ; by little ; broken ; warned ; dwell ; by ; brought in ; were to make ourselves ; folk ; chipped ; brought ; folklore ; closer and ; but ; folks ; come to ; buy ; for the people ; coming into ; can ; for them ; coming ; car ; for ; continually ; carried away ; from the ; creep up ; carried ; from ; definitely ; carries ; general population ; descending value ; carry ; gentiles ; developing ; cause ; governed ; directly ; caused ; happened ; does ; causing ; down ; cited ; heathen that ; eventually ; conduct ; heathen ; fading ; conducts ; in finland ; flying ; conduit ; in the ; gets less ; connects ; getting ; direct ; inhabitants of the ; direction ; inhabitants of ; got weaker ; inhabitants ; gradually ; dragged ; is a people of ; grew to ; dragging ; israel ; grew ; drave ; its people ; grown ; drew ; its population ; grows ; drive ; its ; his ; driver ; localities ; drives ; many people ; increasingly ; driving ; masses ; installments ; ducts ; men ; is slowly ; escort ; mob ; filters ; find ;
a nation ; a part of the plan ; a peculiar people ; a people of ; a people unto ; a people ; a ; about to ; about ; actually ; add ; after ; against ; alex ; all flying ; all the people ; all the ; all ; alone ; along ; already told me to ; already told ; also the men of the ; american ; among the ; an ; and eventually ; and grew ; and houses ; and less ; and nation ; and of the ; and the one people ; and the people ; and the ; and they ; and ; as people ; as sort ; as ; asked ; attack ; beacon ; beating ; became immersed in the ; becomes ; beginning ; begins to ; begs ; behind ; behold ; bidden ; bill ; bit colder ; bitch ; boston ; both ; bowed ; brief to ; brief ; bring forth ; bring ; bringeth ; bringing ; brings ; broken ; brought in ; brought ; building ; bump ; buy ; by little ; by ; can ; captive ; carefully ; carried away ; carried ; carries ; carry ; cause ; caused ; causing ; charged ; charging ; charlie dan ; cited ; citizen of ; citizen ; citizens a ; citizens of ; citizens ; civil strife ; civil ; civilian population ; civilian ; civilians ; closer and ; colonial ; come to ; coming into ; coming ; command ; commanded to ; commanded ; community ; conduct ; conducts ; conduit ; connects ; continually ; country ; countrymen ; cover ; creep up ; cruel ; dane ; definitely ; deploy ; descending value ; dipped ; direct ; direction ; directly ; divide ; down ; dragged ; dragging ; drave ; drew ; drive ; driver ; drives ; driving ; ducts ; dwell ; dwellers ; egyptians ; either ; escort ; eventually ; fading ; father ; fell ; fellow ; filters ; find ; fire with ; fizz ; flying ; folk ; folks ; follow ; followed ; for the people ; for ; fretting ; from the ; from ; further instruction ; gateway ; general population ; gentiles ; get you ; get ; gets less ; getting ; give a ; give rise ; give ; giving ; glue ; glued ; going to ; going ; got weaker ; got ; governed ; gradually ; grew to ; grew ; grown ; grows ; guidance ; guide ; guided ; guidelines ; guides ; happened ; has ; he ; headed ; heads ; heathen that ; heathen ; help get ; him ; hire ; his ; host ; hosted ; hosts ; huge lead ; huge ; iead ; in finland ; in taking ; in the ; in ; increasingly ; inhabitants of the ; inhabitants of ; inhabitants ; installments ; instruct ; instructed ; instruction ; instructions ; involved ; is a people of ; is slowly ; is waltz ; is ; israel ; israelites ; it ; its people ; its population ; job ; kindly walked ; ladder ; lead them ; lead ; leadeth ; leading to ; leading ; leads to ; leads ; led ; let ; little ; localities ; lost ; lot ; made ; make ; man ; manual ; maps ; marched ; marshal ; masses ; maybe walk ; mean ; men ; mentioned ; might ; mighty ; mob ; more ; multitude ; my people ; nation ; nationals ; nations and ; nations the ; nations ; note ; now dan ; of citizens ; of civil ; of civilians ; of israel ; of its ; of might ; of my people ; of people ; of the people of the ; of the people ; of the population ; of the tiger ; of the ; of their ; of them ; of tiger in ; of tiger ; of valour ; of ; offer ; offered ; one ; opened ; our people ; our ; out ; over ; partially ; paste ; pasted it ; pasted one single ; pasted ; pasting ; patch ; path ; pathways ; peculiar people ; people and ; people israel ; people of the ; people of ; people shall ; people that ; people to ; people unto ; people were ; people ; peoples ; personally lead ; phase out ; philistines ; placed ; placing ; plywood ; population ; posted ; posting ; pretty ; produce ; progressively ; prompting ; public ; pull ; push ; put it on ; put them up ; put themselves ; put up ; put ; puts ; putting ; quickly ; quote ; really ; recipe ; reminding ; residents of ; residents ; result ; results ; s ake ; s giving ; s taking ; said in order ; said to ; said unto him ; said unto ; said ; says ; seal pretty ; sealed ; send ; set themselves ; sets ; setting an ; shall ; shitload ; show ; showed ; showing ; sighs ; simply taking ; sing ; slams ; slipped ; slowly ; so the ; so ; sort ; spoken ; stable of ; stable ; stand ; start making ; start time ; start to ; start ; started ; starting to ; starting ; stayed ; steadily ; steer ; stick ; sticking ; stop ; street ; strong ; t ake ; tagged ; take your ; take ; taken ; takes ; taking up the ; taking ; talk ; tape ; taped ; teach ; team ; tell ; tends ; that can ; that conduct ; that conducted ; that drives ; that leads ; that led ; that of people ; that ; the afghan ; the citizens ; the civil ; the civilian ; the cover ; the denizens ; the fellow ; the ground ; the heathen ; the inhabitants of ; the inhabitants ; the men ; the multitude ; the nation ; the nations ; the people of the ; the people of ; the people that ; the people to ; the people ; the population ; the proper ; the ; their ; them of ; them ; then the ; then ; they be ; they of ; they the people ; they ; three ; through to ; through ; ticket ; tiger in ; tiger ; tilted ; time ; times ; tip ; to bring ; to dan ; to eventually ; to grow ; to guide ; to lead ; to make ; to take ; to the people ; to walk ; to ; told her ; told ; took a ; took ; tortured ; tough ; town to ; town ; translates ; trespass ; tucked them ; tunnel ; turned ; turns ; ultimately ; unto the ; unto ; up ; upon the ; us ; usher ; ushered ; walk ; walked ; walking ; waltz ; wandered ; wanted me ; warned ; was ; way for ; way ; we got ; we take ; we ; went ; were to make ourselves ; were ; wheel ; which had obsessed ; which lead ; which leadeth ; which leads ; which ; who led ; who ; whom ; wiii commit ; will ; with ; would have ; would lead ; would ; wrapping ; you through it ; you through ; your way ; уоu take ;

May related with:
Vietnamese English
* excl
- O; oh (exclamation of surprise, regret, ect.)
=a, đồ chơi đẹp quá!+ Oh! What a nice toy!
=a, tội nghiệp quá+Oh!What a pity!
- By the way
=a, còn một vấn đề này nữa +By the way, there's this one other question
* noun
- Acre (100 square meters)
a dua
* verb
- To ape, to chime in, to join in, to take a leaf out of sb's book
=a dua theo lối ăn mặc lố lăng+to ape other's eccentric style of dress
=người hay a dua bắt chước+a copy-cat
a ha
* excl
- Aha, ha; hurrah, hurray
=a ha! tên trộm bị cảnh sát tóm rồi!+Ha! the thief is caught by the police!
=a ha! cô gái xinh quá!+hurrah! What a pretty girl!
a hoàn
* noun
- Abigail ; maidservant
a phiến
* noun
- Opium
=cuộc chiến tranh a phiến+The opium war
=a phiến thường là mầm mống của tội phạm+in most cases, opium is the germ of the crime
a tòng
* verb
- To act as (be) an accomplice to someone, to act as (be) an accessory to someone, to make common cause with someone
=hắn a tòng với một người bạn cũ để lừa gạt bà cụ này+he was an accomplice to one of his old friends, so as to swindle this old woman
à uôm
* verb
- To lump together
=anh phải phân biệt ai đúng ai sai, thay vì à uôm+you must make a difference between who is right and who is wrong, instead of lumping things together
ả đào
* noun
- Singsong girl, geisha
á khẩu
* noun
- aphasia
=người mắc chứng á khẩu+aphasic
á khôi
* noun
- the second winner in a contest
á kim
* noun
- Metalloid
á rập
* noun
=người á-rập+Arabian
=tiếng á-rập+Arabic
* noun
- Crow, raven
- (cũ) The sun
=gửi trứng cho ác+to set the fox to keep the geese
* adj
- Cruel, malicious
- Severe, fierce
=đợt rét ác+a severe cold spell
=trận đánh ác+a fierce battle
=hôm nay nắng ác+today the sun is blistering hot
- Ripping, rattling good
=trận đá bóng ác+a ripping soccer game
ác bá
* noun
- Cruel landlord, village tyrant
ác cảm
* noun
- Antipathy, aversion, enmity, bad blood, ill feeling
=có ác cảm với người nào+To have an enmity against someone, to be antipathetic to someone
=hai người con dâu ấy có rất nhiều ác cảm với nhau+there is a lot of bad blood (ill feeling) between those two daughters-in-law
ác chiến
* verb
- To fight violently, to fight fiercely
=trận ác chiến+a violent fight, a fight to the finish
ác khẩu
- như {ác miệng}
ác là
* noun
- Magpie
ác liệt
* adj
- Very fierce, very violent
ác miệng
* adj
- Foul-mouthed, foul-tongued
ác mó
* noun
- Parrot
- Shrew, termagant
ác mộng
* noun
- Nightmare
=tôi có những cơn ác mộng thấy mình bị rơi vào vực sâu+I have nightmares about falling into an abyss
ác nghiệt
* adj
- Cruel, venomous, harsh, spiteful
ác ôn
* noun
- Enemy-hired killer, wicked thug
* adj
- Ruffianly, thug-like
ác phụ
* noun
-wicked woman
=đó là một con ác phụ+That is a wicked woman
ác quỷ
* noun
- Demon, fiend
ác tà
-sunset, declining sun
ác tâm
* noun
- Malice, malignity, ill will
ác thú
* noun
- Beast of prey
ác tính
* adj
- Malign, malignant
=khối u ác tính, bướu ác tính+malignant growth, malignant tumour
=sốt rét ác tính+malignant malaria
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

Vietnamese Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .

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