Vietnamese to English
Search Query: man
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Vietnamese | English |
* noun
- false |
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Vietnamese | English |
sound mind ; show ; speed ; single ; widely held ; spectacles ; stage ; stationary ; surprise ; the bed net ; the bed nets ; the bidding ; the cover of ; the curtains ; the goddamned curtains ; the hanging ; the hell ; bow of ; the home screen ; bow ; absorbed ; barbarians ; the house ; experience ; is ; barbaric ; the main ; farthing ; lusted after ; brutality ; the net ; fllnt ; cold ; the nets ; go ; isle of man ; the real ; italian ; panicked ; the routine ; larry ; passed out ; the screen ; part ; passed ; the show ; romance ; re ; the title ; romantic bone ; taken ; the vail ; romantic ; what are you doing ; the veil ; side ; while ; the ; sitting ; them ; sweetly ; then ; the life ; this ; to scene ; trick ; vail ; veil ; well ; your ; devising ; do ; get ; of plums ; of prune ; plum ; plums ; prune juice ; unto others ; be ; bless ; blessed ; fellas ; fingers crossed ; flight ; fluke ; both yield salt ; fortunate ; salinization ; fortune ; salt ; fun ; salty ; gotta ; season ; growth ; strong ; guys ; to salinization ; hand ; hit ; luck to ; luck ; luckier ; lucky ; man ; no ; acceptance ; papa ; accomplished ; privileged ; after ; s luck ; at ; s lucky ; cocksure ; score ; cocky ; success ; end ; the hand ; ended ; to ; enjoy ; us ; expected ; war ; forth ; weird ; fulfilled ; with ; gratified ; hear ; house ; indulgent ; leave ; lot of pleasure out of ; lot of pleasure out ; meet ; menopause ; of ; paid ; play ; pleasure ; problem with ; release ; satisfaction ; satisfied ; satisfy ; satisfying ; who wanted ; a bed net ; a net ; a veil ; a ; act ; and the veil ; and ; as ; beautiful ; bed net ; bed nets ; begin ; camera directly ; curtain ; desktop ; display of ; display ; free bed nets ; giant ; hanging for ; hanging ; i guess ; i ; is the ; jackie ; monitor ; more ; moves ; my phone ; my ; net ; nets ; of scenes ; of the ; ominous ; our ; out the ; quite ; routine ; scene ; screen ; screens ; shot ;
a bed net ; a net ; a veil ; a ; absorbed ; accomplished ; act ; after ; and the veil ; and ; as ; ass ; barbarians ; barbaric ; be ; beautiful ; bed net ; bed nets ; begin ; bless ; blessed ; both yield salt ; bow of ; bow ; camera directly ; cocksure ; cocky ; cold ; curtain ; curtains ; devising ; died ; display of ; ended ; enjoy ; expected ; experience ; fellas ; fingers crossed ; flight ; fllnt ; fluke ; fortunate ; fortune ; free bed nets ; fulfilled ; get ; giant ; go ; gotta ; gratified ; hand ; hanging for ; hanging ; hear ; hit ; i guess ; indulgent ; is the ; isle of man ; italian ; jackie ; leave ; lot of pleasure out of ; lot of pleasure out ; luck to ; luck ; luckier ; lucky ; lusted after ; man ; meet ; more ; moves ; my phone ; my ; net ; nets ; of plums ; of scenes ; of the ; of ; ominous ; our ; out the ; paid ; panicked ; papa ; part ; plum ; plums ; privileged ; problem with ; prune juice ; quite ; re ; release ; romance ; romantic bone ; romantic ; s luck ; s lucky ; salinization ; salt ; salty ; satisfaction ; satisfied ; satisfy ; satisfying ; savages ; scene ; score ; screen ; shot ; show ; side ; single ; sitting ; sound mind ; speed ; stage ; stationary ; strong ; surprise ; sweetly ; taken ; the bed net ; the bed nets ; the bidding ; the cover of ; the curtains ; the goddamned curtains ; the hand ; the hanging ; the hell ; the home screen ; the main ; the net ; the nets ; the real ; the routine ; the screened ; the show ; the title ; the vail ; the veil ; the ; them ; this ; to salinization ; to scene ; to ; trick ; unto others ; us ; vail ; veil ; war ; well ; what are you doing ; while ; widely held ; with ; your ;
May related with:
Vietnamese | English |
* excl
- O; oh (exclamation of surprise, regret, ect.) =a, đồ chơi đẹp quá!+ Oh! What a nice toy! =a, tội nghiệp quá+Oh!What a pity! - By the way =a, còn một vấn đề này nữa +By the way, there's this one other question * noun - Acre (100 square meters) |
a dua
* verb
- To ape, to chime in, to join in, to take a leaf out of sb's book =a dua theo lối ăn mặc lố lăng+to ape other's eccentric style of dress =người hay a dua bắt chước+a copy-cat |
a ha
* excl
- Aha, ha; hurrah, hurray =a ha! tên trộm bị cảnh sát tóm rồi!+Ha! the thief is caught by the police! =a ha! cô gái xinh quá!+hurrah! What a pretty girl! |
a hoàn
* noun
- Abigail ; maidservant |
a phiến
* noun
- Opium =cuộc chiến tranh a phiến+The opium war =a phiến thường là mầm mống của tội phạm+in most cases, opium is the germ of the crime |
a tòng
* verb
- To act as (be) an accomplice to someone, to act as (be) an accessory to someone, to make common cause with someone =hắn a tòng với một người bạn cũ để lừa gạt bà cụ này+he was an accomplice to one of his old friends, so as to swindle this old woman |
à uôm
* verb
- To lump together =anh phải phân biệt ai đúng ai sai, thay vì à uôm+you must make a difference between who is right and who is wrong, instead of lumping things together |
ả đào
* noun
- Singsong girl, geisha |
á khẩu
* noun
- aphasia =người mắc chứng á khẩu+aphasic |
á khôi
* noun
- the second winner in a contest |
á kim
* noun
- Metalloid |
á rập
* noun
-Arabia =người á-rập+Arabian =tiếng á-rập+Arabic |
* noun
- Crow, raven - (cũ) The sun =gửi trứng cho ác+to set the fox to keep the geese * adj - Cruel, malicious - Severe, fierce =đợt rét ác+a severe cold spell =trận đánh ác+a fierce battle =hôm nay nắng ác+today the sun is blistering hot - Ripping, rattling good =trận đá bóng ác+a ripping soccer game |
ác bá
* noun
- Cruel landlord, village tyrant |
ác cảm
* noun
- Antipathy, aversion, enmity, bad blood, ill feeling =có ác cảm với người nào+To have an enmity against someone, to be antipathetic to someone =hai người con dâu ấy có rất nhiều ác cảm với nhau+there is a lot of bad blood (ill feeling) between those two daughters-in-law |
ác chiến
* verb
- To fight violently, to fight fiercely =trận ác chiến+a violent fight, a fight to the finish |
ác khẩu
- như {ác miệng}
ác là
* noun
- Magpie |
ác liệt
* adj
- Very fierce, very violent |
ác miệng
* adj
- Foul-mouthed, foul-tongued |
ác mó
* noun
- Parrot - Shrew, termagant |
ác mộng
* noun
- Nightmare =tôi có những cơn ác mộng thấy mình bị rơi vào vực sâu+I have nightmares about falling into an abyss |
ác nghiệt
* adj
- Cruel, venomous, harsh, spiteful |
ác ôn
* noun
- Enemy-hired killer, wicked thug * adj - Ruffianly, thug-like |
ác phụ
* noun
-wicked woman =đó là một con ác phụ+That is a wicked woman |
ác quỷ
* noun
- Demon, fiend |
ác tà
-sunset, declining sun
ác tâm
* noun
- Malice, malignity, ill will |
ác thú
* noun
- Beast of prey |
ác tính
* adj
- Malign, malignant =khối u ác tính, bướu ác tính+malignant growth, malignant tumour =sốt rét ác tính+malignant malaria |
English Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
Vietnamese Word Index:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
Đây là việt phiên dịch tiếng anh. Bạn có thể sử dụng nó miễn phí. Hãy đánh dấu chúng tôi: